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 12 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Bob Skingle"Advanced Search
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Borghese Gladiator, Whitby Abbey, Whitby, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, 2009. Creator: Bob Skingle.
Borghese Gladiator, Whitby Abbey, Whitby, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, 2009. Creator: Bob Skingle.
Mount Grace Priory, Mount Grace, East Harlsey, Hambleton, North Yorkshire, 2010. Creator: Bob Skingle.
Scarborough Castle, North Yorkshire, 2011. Artist: Bob Skingle.
Scarborough Castle, North Yorkshire, c2011. Artist: Bob Skingle.
Interior of the Church, Lanercost Priory, Cumbria, c2008-c2017. Artist: Bob Skingle.
Keep and foundations of the ruined Great Hall, Scarborough Castle, North Yorkshire, 2011. Artist: Bob Skingle.
Scarborough, North Yorkshire, 2011. Artist: Bob Skingle.
Scarborough Castle, North Yorkshire, 2011. Artist: Bob Skingle.
Elephant in niche, Elephant Tea Rooms, 64-66 Fawcett Street, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, 2008. Artist: Bob Skingle.
Elephant in niche, Elephant Tea Rooms, 64-66 Fawcett Street, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, 2008. Artist: Bob Skingle.
Elephant in niche, Elephant Tea Rooms, 64-66 Fawcett Street, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, 2008. Artist: Bob Skingle.